Kamala Khan




Name: Kamala Khan

Alias: Ms. Marvel

Age: 16

Height: 5’2

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Single

Powers and Abilities

Species: Inhomo Supremis (Inhuman)

Powers: Inhuman Heritage: Morphogenetics, Elongation, Size Alternation, Appearance Alternation, Accelerated Healing Factor, Bioluminescence

Abilities: Gifted Intellect, Leadership, Bilingualism


The source of the Inhuman’s powers.


Kamala is a nice kid with an ordinary life, but who has trouble fitting in and always feels a smidgen off-kilter.

She sincerely loves her family, but also feels some resentment about her culture and religion always making her different, and getting in the way of her being one of the cool kids.

As a consequence, most of her preferred activities are online, where she can be pseudonymous as a gamer and fanfic writer.

She doesn’t have many friends IRL. And there’s no Pakistani-American community in her corner of Jersey (most people at the masjid seem to be Turkish-American or Iranian-American). She’s proud of being a Jersey girl, though.

With her education, Kamala has a strong moral core and sees helping people as a super-heroine as an almost holy mission. The surah at the beginning of this profile is her favourite, though it’s probably the only one she knows by heart. She’s reluctant to use genuine violence, even against animals, and will do anything she can to save all lives.

Her people skills are all over the place, since she’s at once somewhat shy and spontaneous. She can be a wallflower one minute and take center stage the next. The second often occurs due to her determination to do the right thing. She’s a natural at standing up to help other people and act heroically.

Kamala was always daydreaming that she was like Captain Marvel – tall, White, blonde, buxom, powerful, independent, respected. However, once she got her powers she quickly adapted to being very few of those things.

Soon, Kamala decided that she would be herself, not Carol Danvers – and grow into her role by herself, with her own values and her own outlook. After all, the Ms. Marvel ethos is to do things your own way.

Khan is quite stubborn, and highly responsible. She’s never impolite or disrespectful about it, but even adults will quickly see that she cannot be pressured into renouncing her moral priorities. She is also funny – though like a real-world teen nerd would be, rather than through comedian-style dialogue.

She’s a total beginner, but she’s enthusiastic about being a super-hero and 100% committed to the “job”. She finds the mask and power to be liberating, and is much louder, defiant and assertive as Ms. Marvel than she is as Kamala.

She likes being out there and taking action by herself and doing it her own way – when she’s being Ms. Marvel in her own way, she’s free, content and unafraid.

Ms. Marvel sees herself as the protector of Jersey City – she’s a local and one of the very few heroes on this shore of the river.

Powers and Abilities


Inhuman Metabolism: Kamala is a human with latent Inhuman heritage whose powers were activated by the Terrigen Bomb, causing her to become a polymorph, which grants her the following abilities:

Morphogenetics: Kamala's cells manifest mutable properties due to the fact that she is able to share her mass through time with different versions of herself. On a molecular level, Ms. Marvel time-travels whenever she uses her powers. Kamala can stretch, deform, expand, or compress her entire body or parts thereof into any contiguous shape she can imagine for a variety of uses:

Elongation: Kamala can extend her limbs, torso, or neck to great distances.

Size Alteration: Kamala can adjust her height and stature adding upon her already impressive physical abilities,[citation needed] from shrinking to the size of an action figure, to grow as tall as a building structure. With this ability she has also made her body as thin as paper.

Accelerated Healing Factor: Kamala is capable of rapidly healing from injuries such as bullet wounds; however, use of her other powers interrupts the healing process, requiring Kamala to maintain her normal appearance while recovering. Extensive healing also leaves Kamala heavily-fatigued and hungry; although, it appears the more she utilizes her healing ability, the less malleable her cells become, which prevents her from utilizing the full range of her morphogenic abilities.

Appearance Alteration: Kamala possesses the power to alter her physical appearance including her hair and clothing, and could even alter her appearance enough to mimic inanimate objects. Ms. Marvel feared she had lost this ability due to her healing factor reducing the elasticity of her cells, but this power is still present and is used on rare occasions, such as when she impersonated James Rhodes during a conversation with Tony Stark.

Bioluminescence: Kamala's body emits a glowing yellow energy signature when using her morphogenic powers.


Gifted Intellect: She is smart and a superb, straight-A student. However, she’s not abnormally intelligent or technologically gifted. Howbeit, Kamala has a knack for applying high-school-level physics to her superheroic activities.

Multilingual: She’s also fluent in Urdu . As a consequence she can more or less communicate in Hindi.

Combatant: Ever since acquiring her powers she has become a crafty and formidable combatant. She’s been able to utilize her powers in way that allow her to defeat her enemies.


Terrigen is an incredible rare mineral first created by the Kree as part of their attempts at recreating Primagen, which gives rise to the Terrigen Mist. Guarded by the Inhumans, these crystals formed in the subterranean Terrigen Waters on Earth's Moon near the city of Attilan. When exposed to water at the correct temperature, the crystals react with the water to produce the Terrigen Mist vapor. These mists are pumped into flux chambers during the process of "Terrigenesis." The crystals themselves are kept in a sealed cavern below the surface of Attilan, where they are constantly exposed to heat and saline water.